USA / *1999

• 2. Preis / 2nd Prize

Die 1999 geborene Geigerin studiert bei Ida Kavafian am Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. Von 2012 bis 2017 studierte sie bei Almita Vamos am Music Institute of Chicago. Karisa Chiu, die bei zahlreichen Wettbewerben Spitzenpreise gewonnen hat, ist u. a. 1. Preisträgerin des Blount-Slawson Young Artists Competition 2016, 4. Preisträgerin des Irving M. Klein International String Competition 2017, 3. Preisträgerin des Stulberg International String Competition 2017 und 4. Preisträgerin des Cooper International Competition 2015. Im Jahr 2017 gab Karisa ein Solo Rezital bei den Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concerts in Chicago.


Violinist Karisa Chiu (born 1999) attends school at the Curtis Institute of Music where she studies with Ida Kavafian. Having won top prizes at numerous competitions, Karisa is the 1st prize winner of the 2016 Blount-Slawson Young Artists Competition, the 4th prize winner of the 2017 Irving M. Klein International String Competition, the 3rd prize winner of the 2017 Stulberg String Competition, and the 4th prize winner of the 2015 Cooper International Competition. In 2017, Karisa gave a solo recital at the Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concert Series in Chicago; she was also selected as a 2017 YoungArts Finalist.


Karisa Chiu im Finale / Karisa Chiu in the Finals

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